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Inventor and Inventor Professional: You can use the various Studio commands to give your components a more realistic appearance, add props, lighting, and camera positions that highlight the beneficial aspects of your product. Inventor LT: You can use the various Studio commands to give your model a realistic appearance, lighting, and camera positions that highlight the . Inventor Studio is a rendering and animation environment within Autodesk Inventor LT parts. This environment has its own set of commands and unique browser nodes specifically for rendering and animating. Use the slow double-click method to rename Studio browser nodes, in the Animation browser. Both browsers stay in sync and reflect the name smyrnamusiclessons.comted Reading Time: 8 mins.
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On the ribbon, click Environments tab Begin panel Inventor Studio. On the ribbon, click Render tab Render panel Render Image. Set the options on the General tab. You can see a preview of your selections in the graphics window. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Render. The rendering progress is displayed in a separate smyrnamusiclessons.comted Reading Time: 6 mins.
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